Investment Consulting

Within the scope of offered legal investment consulting we:
- perform legal audit of the real property;
- conduct proceedings in the scope of: regulation of legal status of a real property, recovering rights to real properties, obtaining permissions for purchasing of a real property by foreigners;
- perform interpretations of provisions of administrative law, with particular regard to construction law and local regulations, acts of local law, masterplans, and other resolution which affect on factual and legal situation of a real property;
- represent Clients before administrative bodies, in administrative proceedings inderictly or directly, preparing strategy of activity and advising on each stage of ongoing administrative proceedings, especially in the following matters: zoning decisions, building permit, demolition o building permit, utilities network system building permit, decision on conversion of the use of a real property, decision on exclusion the land form agricultural production and other decisions and provisions arising from the specific branches of administrative law;
- represent investors before local authorities, and administrative courts in the course of proceedings regarding the adoption or amending provisions of masterplans, as well as in the course of proceedings before civil courts in matters related to claims arising as a result of exclusion or limitation of use of the real property as a result of adoption or amending of the masterplan;
- apply to public administration bodies for issuing relevant for developer process opinions, and provided by specific provisions agreements, and analysis its contents from the formal and legal perspecitve;
- prepare complaints, recalls and other extraordinary appeals (application for ascertainment nullity of a decision, reissuing administrative proceedings, etc.);
- operate mediations and settlements with public administration bodies, in case of necessity between parties of administrative proceedings;
- represent our Clients before construction supervisory bodies in the proceedings on issuing use permit, where the case of exception from the approved building project by buidling permit appears;
- take part in the process of legalization of construction lawlessness;
- prepare and give our opinion to: developer agreements, design works agreements, agreements on construction supervision, construction works agreement, including agreements with general contractor of the investment, agreements on preparation of investments and investment substitution;
- conduct court disputes between investors and contractors of construction works;
- advise on real estate trading, including inter alia legal support at the moment of conclusion of agreements (preliminary and final) of purchase of real properties, and contracts for services of purchasing real properties;
- advise and give opinions on tenancy agreements, lease agreements, sub-lease agreements;
- prepare agreements regarding establishment of limited property rights, as: usefruct, easement, mortgage;
- render legal support at separation of the right of premises ownership;
- take part and advise within the process of erection of housing associations;
- prepare and verify projects of agreements regarding the management of a common part of the real property;
- represent Clients before Local Self-government Appeals Committee, courts of common law, the Supreme Court, administrative courts and the Main Administrative Court;
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